Monday, 29 April 2013

Quality Control Standards at DHT

At DHT Centre the quality control is ensured by specifying certain quality control standards.These quality standards are relevant from identifying the need for a hair transplantation surgery to the time of obtaining the results of the surgery. As our priority we pay special attention to the training of the doctors and assistants, usage of the best equipments available across the globe and maximizing the hair transplant surgery’s result by using the DHT Technique for hair transplantation.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Limiting Pain from Injections in Hair Transplantation

The First Injection 
Most of the patients are more anxious during their first injection. If the first injection causes pain to them then they will be more and more anxious for forthcoming injections. Thus at DHT Clinic we try and make the first injection and all other following injections simpler and almost painless for the patient in the following manner:

Concomitant Physical Stimulation
Just recall, when our finger gets burn we unconsciously and immediately shake it, in a fierce manner. We do this because in this manner we try to reduce our pain by shaking or vibrating the affected area. Similarly in order to reduce pain during hair transplantation surgery, we use vibrators to shake the affected area in order to reduce the pain. In order to diminish the perception of painful stimuli touch, pressure and vibrations are used during the surgery. This helps to distract the patient and minimize his pain.

In ancient ages icing was used to achieve numbness of any aching body part. The hypoesthesia achieved by this cold induced numbness temporarily blocks the pain perceiving receptors. We use sterile cold packs, ice boxes and doctor ice to make the injection sites numb, so that pain during prick is almost nil.

Reducing the Needle Caliber
Small caliber needles causes less pain then large ones. This potential of small caliber needles is utilized only when the rate of injection is slowed. We use 31 gauge, the thinnest possible needle in the world. It is also known as insulin syringe. With help of this insulin syringe, and slow rate of injection, the pain is minimized almost to zero.

Rate of Injection
Rate of injection also plays a major role in reducing the pain. If one reduces the rate of administration of local anesthetics, then the pain can also be reduced. We inject the anesthetic solution at extremely slow rate which cause slow tissue expansion and thus very less pain.

Depth of Injection 
While injecting the local anesthetic and the tumescent solution we are extremely careful about the depth or the PLANE of injection. If we prick beyond mid dermis level then the pain perception will be more as the receptors for the same are located at that level. So we keep the tip of the hypodermic needle in the PLANE above mid dermis. In addition to alleviating pain, this move also enhances the blanching effect of the tumescent anesthesia.

The OT & Surgery Environment
The OT and surgery environment also has a significant impact on the pain’s experience. We at DHT Clinic play soothing music and involve you in rich conversations with the doctors, keeping your areas of interest as priority.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Right Age of Hair Transplant

The right age of transplantation depends upon the level of surety that a physician and a patient has regarding the future state of baldness of the patient. Future state of baldness can tell us the need and the best technique of hair transplant for the patient. To know about this future state one can look at baldness pattern in the patient’s family. 28-32 years is said to be the optimum age for hair transplant where the level of the surety about the future pattern baldness is highest.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

At our Direct Hair Transplant (DHT) Centre in Dehradun and Gurgaon, we transplant hair by a sequence which is different from the sequence followed in FUE technique. In FUE technique the sequence is as follows:

STEP I - Extraction of grafts.
STEP II - Making the slits for graft implantation.
STEP III - Implanting the extracted graft. 

Whereas the sequence followed by us is:

STEP I - Making the slits for graft implantation
STEP II - Extraction of grafts + Implanting the extracted graft.

This sequence prevents the graft to get damaged from:
• Desiccation
• Infection
• Mechanical Handling and
• Chemical Damage

The “Out of Body Exposure” for the grafts is now LEAST and thus the chances of graft survival are MAXIMUM. The result of this change in sequence has been fantastic. This has improved the results of our hair transplant surgery a lot. This change in sequence has given a new characteristic to the FUE technique. We have named the new sequence as Direct Hair Transplant (DHT). 

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Baldness and its Remedy

Most men face the problem of baldness around the age of 22 years and it keeps on increasing with age. The cause of baldness is Androgenetic Alopecia. Some of the triggers of baldness which accelerate the process are:

(i) High stress level.
(ii) Improper diet.
(iii) Bad effects of Type A personality.

Direct Hair Transplant can be a remedy to restore the hair on the bald portions with a success rate of 98-100%.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Female Hair Transplant

Female hair loss is not as common as in men. The pattern of female baldness also differs from male pattern baldness. In females hair loss is generally seen after the age of 40 years. Their hair starts thinning out from the crown and top areas of the head first, whereas the hair line remains the same. Direct Hair Transplant (DHT) is equally successful in females for hair restoration

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Grey Hair Transplantation

"Grey Hair Transplantation (GHT) is equally successful as the black hair transplantation. In GHT the client has to dye his grey hair without dying the scalp. This will make the grey hair stand out as black, against the light background of the scalp skin.

A quality GHT can be done only by the experts with the world's best equipments like Cole and Harris instrumentsdue to many technicalities involved."

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

The hair transplanted by DHT technique is permanent, this technique works on donor dominance phenomenon, which means the graft is taken from those parts of the scalp & body which do not shed and the hair keep its native characteristics and remain permanently.